Pulling off a memorable tour de force through the land of the bear
A few months later we're heading for Eastern Europe. We will never regret this trip meeting beautiful animals, people, cities, food, drinks and landscapes. The hospitality was fenomenal. Thank you: Kris, Vera Kardos, Attila Kiss, Nagy Erika Renáta, Ernö Bartha, Ildikó Bács, Cham Chi and so many other colorful creatures on our way.
Underneath, you can find a glimps of our tour. These are some stills from a short movie Kris made during the tour. We decided the ultimate brilliant portret the movie covered will be held as a confidential study of Elmer T Lupus. What did you expect? Enjoy.
Summer of 2017
Szimpla Kert (Budapest, HU)
Che Guevara Social Pub (Cluj-Napoca, RO)
Arkhai Sculpture Park (Vlaha, RO)
Kris Ercken